
Europe Day Information Week

EU- funded projects are encouraged to get involved in the Europe Day Information Week (EDIW) 2015 activities by participating in the open air info fairs in Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor.This is one of the main opportunities for the projects to be advertised to the public. Please, answer the questions below by 05.03.2015 . For any questions, feel free to contact the Publicis Hepta representatives – Armenuhi Khachatryan (Phone: +374 77 228117, E-mail:[email protected]) and Olga Arefyeva (Phone: +374 55 003716, E-mail: [email protected]). Thank you.

Թողնել պատասխան

Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրապարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով